Giovanni Battista Rizza
Giovanni Battista Rizza (Piazza Armerina, February 7, 1924) is an Italian mathematician, working in complex analysis of several variables and in differential geometry: he is best known for his contribution to the theory of pluriharmonic functions and for the introduction of the now called Rizza manifolds.
Academic career
He graduated from the Università degli Studi di Genova, earning his laurea degree in 1949.[3] In 1956 he was in Rome at the INdAM, having been awarded a scholarship without having to sustain the "colloquio"[4], being considered by the scientific board[5] of the institute as "a young researcher whose scientific activity is already well known".[6] A year later, in 1957, he was elected "discepolo ricercatore"[7] in the same institute.[8]
In 1954 he was awarded the Ottorino Pomini prize by the Unione Matematica Italiana, jointly with Gabriele Darbo: the judging commission included Giovanni Sansone (the president), Alessandro Terracini, Beniamino Segre, Giuseppe Scorza-Dragoni, Carlo Miranda, Mario Villa and Enzo Martinelli (the secretary).[1] In 1973 He was awarded the golden medal "Benemeriti della Scuola, della Cultura, dell'Arte" by the President of the Italian Republic.[2] In 1999, the University of Parma, where he worked for more than 35 years, awarded him the title of professor emeritus.
Tracts of his personality
Enzo Martinelli describes him as a passionate researcher gifted with a strong intellectual force.[9] His scientific personality is characterized as being rich of gemetrical ideas and gifted with a strong algorithmic ability:[10] Martinelli also states that, besides his scientific abilities, Rizza should also be acknowledged as a skilled organizer.[11]
- Rizza, Giovanni Battista (1954), "On Dirichlet's problem for components of analytic functions of several complex variables", Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, 1954. Volume II, ICM Proceedings, Amsterdam–Groningen: Erven P. Noordhoff N.V. / North-Holland Publishing Company, pp. 161–162, . A short research announcement describing briefly the results proved in (Rizza 1955).
- Rizza, G. B. (1955), "Dirichlet problem for n-harmonic functions and related geometrical problems", Mathematische Annalen 130: 202–218, doi:10.1007/BF01447872, MR0074881, Zbl 0067.33004, , available at DigiZeitschirften.
- Rizza, G. B. (1957), "Su diverse estensioni dell’invariante di E. E. Levi nella teoria delle funzioni di più variabili complesse" (in Italian), Annali di Matematica Pura e Applicata 44 (1): 73–89, doi:10.1007/BF02415191, MR0095965, Zbl 0091.25903 . In this, work Rizza epitomizes all known extensions to the case of > 2 complex variables of the Levi invariant in a single tensor of hybrid type.
- Rizza, G. B. (1963), "Strutture di Finsler di tipo quasi Hermitiano" (in Italian), Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma, (2) 4: 83–106, MR0166742, Zbl 0129.14101, .
See also
- ^ a b Detailed motivation for the awarding is reported in reference Bollettino UMI 1954, pp. 477–478: the high value of the works of the two mathematicians under judgment induced the commission to approve a resolution to ask the benefactors supporting the prize for a double award, and the benefactors agreed to the request.
- ^ a b See the list of prize winners at the Presidenza della Repubblica Italiana (1973) web site.
- ^ See (Martinelli 1995, p. 1).
- ^ The "colloquio" ("colloquium" in English translation) is an oral exam where the candidate is being asked to answer the questions posed by scientific jury.
- ^ In 1956, according to Roghi (2005, p. 8,29), the scientific board of the institute is the the first charged one, the 23rd of November 1939: the members were Francesco Severi (the president), Luigi Fantappie], Giulio KrallEnrico Bompiani and Mauro Picone.
- ^ According to Roghi (2005, p. 46), who, referring to Rizza, Giuseppe Arcidiacono and Dario Del Pasqua, reports the following appreciation:-"...perché trattasi di giovani di cui è nota l'attività scientifica..."
- ^ This was the appellation of junior research scientists working at theINdAM.
- ^ See (Roghi 2005, p. 50).
- ^ Martinelli (1995, p. 1) precisely characterizes Rizza's scientific work as built with "...much passion and intellectual force..." ("...molta passione e forza intellettuale...").
- ^ According to Martinelli (1995, p. 2), who writes:-"Queste poche righe mi auguro siano servite a dimostrare che Rizza è un matematico ricco di idee geometriche e dotato di forti capacità algoritmiche.", whose English translation reads as:-"I hope those few words demonstrated that Rizza is a mathematician rich of geometrical ideas and gifted with a strong algorithmic ability."
- ^ See (Martinelli 1995, p. 2).
Biographica references
- Martinelli, E. (1994), Omaggio a Giovanni Battista Rizza in occasione del suo 70° compleanno, in Donnini, S.; Gigante, G.; Mangione, V., "Geometria differenziale – Analisi complessa. Convegno internazionale – Parma, 19–20 maggio 1994 in occasione del 70° compleanno di G. B. Rizza" (in Italian), Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma, (5) 3: 1–2, .
- Bollettino UMI (1954), "Notizie (Notices)" (in Italian), Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, Serie III 9 (4): 467–490, . This paper includes the official relation of the judging commission for the awarding of the Ottorino Pomini Prize in 1954, jointly won by Gabriele Darbo and Giovanni Battista Rizza.
- Bollettino UMI (1962), "Notizie (Notices)" (in Italian), Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, Serie III 17 (1): 120–157, . This paper includes the official announcement of the winning by Giovanni Battista Rizza of the chair of "Geometria analitica con elementi di Geometria Proiettiva e Geometria Descrittiva con Disegno" awarded by the University of Parma.
- Presidenza della Repubblica Italiana (July 31, 1973), Medaglia d'oro ai benemeriti della scuola della cultura e dell'arte: Giovanni Battista Rizza,,OCO_MESE_DECRETO%20DESC,OCO_GIORNO_DECRETO%20DESC, retrieved May 31, 2011 .
- Roghi, G. (Dicembre 2005), "Materiale per una storia dell'Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica dal 1939 to 2003." (in Italian), Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana, Sezione A, La Matematica nella Società e nella Cultura, Serie VIII 8-A (3, parte 2): x+301, MR2225078, Zbl 1089.01500 . This is a monographic fascicle published on the "Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana", describing the history of the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica Francesco Severi from its foundation in 1939 to 2003: an English translation of the title reads as:-"Materials toward a history of the Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica from 1939 to 2003". It was written by Gino Roghi and includes a presentation by Salvatore Coen and a preface by Corrado De Concini. It is almost exclusively based on sources from the institute archives: the wealth and variety of materials included, jointly with its appendices and indexes, make this monograph a useful reference not only for the history of the institute itself, but also for the history of many mathematicians who taught or followed the institute courses or simply worked there.
- Ichijyō, Yoshihiro (1988), "Finsler metrics on almost complex manifolds", Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma, (IV) 14*: 1–28, MR1045035, Zbl 0885.53031, .
- Kobayashi, Shoshichi (1975), "Negative vector bundles and complex Finsler structures", Nagoya Mathematical Journal 57: 153–166, MR0377126, Zbl 0326.32016, . In this paper, Shoshichi Kobayashi acknowledges Giovanni Battista Rizza as the first one to study complex manifolds with Finsler structure, now called Rizza manifolds.
External links
- Donnini, S.; Gigante, G.; Mangione, V., eds. (1994), "Geometria differenziale – Analisi complessa. Convegno internazionale – Parma, 19–20 maggio 1994 in occasione del 70° compleanno di G. B. Rizza", Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma, (5) 3, . The proceedings of the international meeting "Differential Geometry – Complex analysis" held in Parma on May 19–20, 1994 to honor Giovanni Battista Rizza's 70th birthday, published by the Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma. The first speaker was his former master Enzo Martinelli.
- Rizza, Giovanni Battista (September 23, 2010), personal web site,, retrieved April 19, 2011 . Rizza's web site as a member of the "editorial board of the Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma" mathematics journal.
Persondata |
Name |
Rizza, Giovanni Battista |
Alternative names |
Short description |
Date of birth |
February 7, 1924 |
Place of birth |
Piazza Armerina |
Date of death |
Place of death |